
Dataletix focuses on STEM activities which are hands-on and can help raise the interest of the future generation in skills needed for the future.


We are two UK qualified educators who have taught in academic institutions, Grammar schools, Private schools and Universities in London. We are both PhD graduates and have spent over 15 years combined in both teaching and working in the private sector. Currently engaged as University Faculty - Professor in Maths and Professor in Computing Sciences - we are keen on helping the younger generation to succeed and eventually join us at the degree level :)

We are reaching out to parents to highlight the challenges we see children face when they join a STEM related degree program. A short video on what we believe needs to be done is posted on YouTube at It only takes about 90 seconds.

Based on our recent experience over the last three to four years, a key observation has been the lack of readiness for University. Particularly when faced with the challenges of the compute intensive environment. In schools students are using their computers for course work and assignments. However, to be successful at the University level, it is important for children to have reached a minimum level of computational understanding and competence. Often, students switch to a degree program that is not desired due to the pressure of coping with the enormous amount of self-study while developing computational literacy.

Our tutoring program is more of an outreach program. We are offering classes in two key areas:

  • Developing a firm mathematical grip on the vast amount of data we produce and consume.
  • Developing the computational literacy to handle, manipulate and extract value from all this data.

In the first year of University, a significant proportion of the stundents face an uphill struggle with maths and the logic required for developing algorithms using programming languages. These skills are required not only for STEM degrees, but also in Business related programs.

We have adopted an approach in which we gamify the experience of learning. Our STEM based curriculum develops the intelligence of the child beyond the school classroom. We have helped students by engaging them earlier on and this has helped overcome the steep learning curves they face in the future.

Getting children started from as young as 9 years of age can make a real positive impact. Particularly in the way they use and interact with their smart devices. Our aim is to turn the time they spend on their devices become more productive while still being fun.

On a more personal note, we would love to see every child browsing websites be able to mentally articulate how the information available can be used to represent something more valuable. Or, program using code, every task or game they can think of. Our investment in them today will make them the leaders of the future that will decide how automation and artificial intelligence will impact our world.


Image Credit: Dataletix



