In this Drama Workshop, your child will be transported to a world of toys who come alive!
Based on The Night the Toys Came to Life by Enid Blyton
On Christmas Eve, a brother and sister accidentally leave their teddy bear lying outside. Later that night when everyone is asleep, teddy opens the toy cupboard and lets everyone out for some jolly good fun!
Together with music and movement, Drama Teacher will guide your child to expand his imagination and creativity, and explore the many ways to become the different toys. At the end, the children will confidently dramatise their story in front of a live audience of family and friends.
For ages 3 to 4
Credit: Image of Act 3 International
Fee: 300 新币
+65 6735 9986
126 Cairnhill Road ONE-TWO-SIX CAIRNHILL ARTS CENTRE Singapore 229707
Nearest MRT Station
Newton (7 minutes away)
Nearest parking:
Cairnhill Arts Centre car park (via Cairnhill Rise), Anthony Road car park (5 minutes away)
Nearest pit stops:
Paragon Shopping Mall/Newton Hawker Centre (7 & 10 minutes away)