Release the inner triple-threat in your child and get ready to watch him sing, dance and act!
Unleash the child’s ‘triple-threat’ potential in this 3-hour workshop that focuses on Musical Theatre. Older children will be armed with the basic skills needed to integrate acting, singing and dancing into a classroom sharing for 30 minutes after the workshop. Parents are invited to join in during this time as well.
Suitable for 8 to 12 year olds
To register for all workshops, parents are invited to book online here, call ACT 3 Drama Academy at +65 6735 9986, email at act3int@act3international.com.sg or head to the premises located at ONE-TWO-SIX Cairnhill Arts Centre, 126 Cairnhill Road.
Price: 110 新币 (per child)
+65 6735 9986
126 Cairnhill Road ONE-TWO-SIX CAIRNHILL ARTS CENTRE Singapore 229707
Nearest MRT Station
Newton (7 minutes away)
Nearest parking:
Cairnhill Arts Centre car park (via Cairnhill Rise), Anthony Road car park (5 minutes away)
Nearest pit stops:
Paragon Shopping Mall/Newton Hawker Centre (7 & 10 minutes away)