Come meet the boyish and charming Peter Pan as he shares captivating stories about his home – the enchanting Neverland – and how he can magically fly all the way there!
Carefully guided by experienced Drama Educators, this 75-minute parent and child workshop promises an enchanting journey into Neverland through flights of fancy and imagination! There will be inventive use of props, music, dramatic movement and pretend play.
Suitable for 18 to 36 months, with parent!
To register for all workshops, parents are invited to book online here, call ACT 3 Drama Academy at +65 6735 9986, email at act3int@act3international.com.sg or head to the premises located at ONE-TWO-SIX Cairnhill Arts Centre, 126 Cairnhill Road.
Price: 60 新币 (per child with parent)
+65 6735 9986
126 Cairnhill Road ONE-TWO-SIX CAIRNHILL ARTS CENTRE Singapore 229707
Nearest MRT Station
Newton (7 minutes away)
Nearest parking:
Cairnhill Arts Centre car park (via Cairnhill Rise), Anthony Road car park (5 minutes away)
Nearest pit stops:
Paragon Shopping Mall/Newton Hawker Centre (7 & 10 minutes away)