
Children Drama “Monkey King Vs Jade Rabbit”

Children Drama “Monkey King Vs Jade Rabbit”

Children Drama “Monkey King Vs Jade Rabbit”


Tang Sanzang together with his three disciples were on the journey to the west. On this day, they came to Tianzhuguo. The Princess of Tianzhu was a transformation of the Jade Rabbit in Anhangong where Chang’e live.

She knew that Tang Sanzang had to pass through Tianzhuguo and wanted to eat him to attain immortality. Thanks to Sun Wukong’s sharp eyes, he can detect the goblin true form.

The two battles and the goblin were defeated by Wukong using his golden iron rod (Ruyi Golden Cudgel) and she escape to her cave. Sun Wukong invited the fairy Chang’e to catch the goblin and bring her back to Anhangong. Finally, Wukong rescued the real princess and sent her back to the palace.

The master and disciples continued their journey to the west…. Tianzhuguo is the ancient name for India.

This exotic style and presentation for this Journey to the West will be different from our past performances!!!

(In Mandain)

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Image Credit: Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd




per child : 30 新币
per adult : 35 新币


+65 67027071



Gateway Theatre 3615 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159461