
Children Drama “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Children Drama “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

The story mainly tells that Snow White stepmother, the Queen was jealous of her because she was pretty and beautiful, and vowed to put her to death


 However, Snow White had been helped by a knight, the forest birds and the seven dwarfs, and escaped again and again from her stepmother evil plots. The stepmother eventually died on the cliff. Since then, the princess and the prince lived a happy life…
What does the drama bring to the children: The new “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” bring wonderful feelings to parents and children. Through enjoying this drama, it teaches children how to recognize beauty and ugliness, good and evil.

To nurture the soul of truth, goodness and beauty.

In Mandarin 

Book Now 


Image Credit: Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd




Price (Adult): 30 新币
Price (Adult): 35 新币


+65 67027071



Drama Center #03-01 National Library Building, 100 Victoria St, Singapore 188064