
Children Drama “The Prince and Pauper”

Children Drama “The Prince and Pauper”

Children Drama “The Prince and Pauper”


(In Mandarin)

Due to an accidental coincidence, Prince Edward and Tom Canty, who looked like each other, exchanged clothes, which led to the reversal of fate. Living on assumed positions, the two teenagers learned a lot during this period. Prince Edward deeply understood the hardships of the people, and Tom also experienced the hardships of ruling a country.
However, Prince Edward and Tom’s identity change was discovered by the evil Count. The Count wanted Tom to become King so that he can rule the country through Tom.

The Count threatened Tom with the life of Tom’s friend. At the same time, the Count sent his men to kill Prince Edward outside the palace…
How will Prince Edward and Tom Canty escape the danger and return to their rightful positions?


Image Credit: Arts Theatre of Singapore Ltd




Student : 30 新币
Adult : 35 新币


+65 6702 7071



Drama Centre #03-01 National Library Building, 100 Victoria St, Singapore 188064