Colours of Nature
Easter: April 8 to 19, 2019
Summer: June 3 to August 9 2019
A 5 Days Holistic Camp on Movement, Art and Mindfulness at Binjai Park
Monday to Friday
- 9:00am to 12:00pm (age 5-9)
- 1:30pm to 4:30pm (age 7-12)
Fees: $300.00 for 5 days camp morning or afternoon
Drop in fee $ 70
Colours of Nature 5 days Holiday Camps - we will be having fun with nature – explore painting with watercolours and using nature for our brushes, finding and the sea and sky through various tones of singing bowls, exploring the magical colours and textures with semi-precious crystals and exciting movement and mindfulness with our bodies and minds. There is something for everyone!
Follow your child’s interests, and cultivate your child’s strengths. At the end of the 5 days camp, receive a beautifully customized ceramic mug, with your child’s artwork and personal quote printed on! (Only for full camp participants)
Canvass holistic camps are open to children ages 4 – 12. The daily schedule of 3 hours comprises of:
• 45 min of Movement Work
Connect with the body and mind through breathing techniques and mindfulness
• 15 min of Mindfulness
Move with Mindfulness, and enjoy sounds healing and storytelling
• 15 min of Refreshments
Share snacks and bonding
• 75 min of Art
Choose from a huge variety of paints, pastels, clay and sculpture, print-making, and more
Canvass holiday camp offers a holistic experience with the following core activities that will entice your child’s learning interest and cultivate intrinsic values.
The holiday camp topics include:
At Canvass, we invite you to discover how a fresh, expert approach to movement builds awareness in the body and mind.
Whether it means to crawl, walk, lunge or twist, children will gather, grow and learn together to be confident, balanced and grounded. The power of creativity through imagination will be demonstrated and guided to encourage learning possibilities and to communicate thoughts and experiences. Exploring shapes and lines with the body brings engagement to the right muscles, aligns body posture, release tension in stiff areas, find balance by distributing weight and control. These activities can be transformational and restorative for
the children’s well being. They will feel peaceful and positively charged.
Explore, express yourself, draw and create in your own unique style! Practical painting techniques will be imparted from basics to the more advanced. This includes painting natural landscapes such as beaches, skies to waterfalls, lakes, mountains, and of course everyday subjects around. Students will learn how to see like an artist, understand the origins, observe the relationships between colours, value, shape and texture. We believe that anyone can
draw or paint and the teachers will show steps and demonstrations on how to discover one’s creativity and to create a personal expression with focus and grit.
Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to the present moment experiences with openness, curiosity and a willingness to be with what is. It is a practical and simple way to stay happy and balanced. It invites us to stop, breath, observe, and connect with one’s inner experience. Attention, Balance and Intuition are guided with the use of the aroma oils and a healing sounds to ease and calm the senses. It is a process-oriented approach that strengthens and supports communication and appreciation that your child can learn to integrate into their everyday routines.
Location: Canvass 5A Binjai Park S589820
Early Bird Discount valid until March 25th – book and pay in full to receive 10% discount.
Everybody who signs up for a full week will receive a customized mug with your children’s artwork.
Contact: Email info@canvass.com.sg for a registration form, or call +65 85222940 for more information.
Image Credit: Canvass
Fees: for 5 days camp morning or afternoon: 300 新币
+65 85222940
5A Binjai Park, Singapore 589820