Have you ever exploded at your parent, spouse or child?
Finding it so difficult to control your Anger, no matter how hard you try. You have snapped - yelled, hit, berated, screamed…
Chapter Zero is proud and excited to be collaborating with international CNVC trainer, Tina Schmitt in a series of 4 NVC workshops.
In our third workshop, we will explore what is going on when we experience Anger and we react in ways which we find regrettable. We will learn to understand the difficult emotions which underlie Anger, and using a process in Nonviolent Communication, learn how to transform our Anger by communicating our needs and feelings powerfully.
Topics that we may wish to explore are how to:
- Detecting and recognising our Anger
- Understanding Anger’s meaning (needs)
- How Anger is connecting with other feelings such as fear and shame
- Practice staying compassionate to ourselves even when we struggle with Anger
- Practice expressing our Anger in creative ways without blame and judgment
- Saying “No” and putting clear boundaries
- Ways to face other people’s Anger
This workshop is for anyone who struggles with Anger, or wants to learn more about Anger. We hope that this workshop will help you improve your communication skills with your loved ones, as well as how you can communicate regret when Anger has gotten the better of you.
Image Credit: Chapter Zero
Single: 200 新币
Couple/ Bring a friend: 340 新币
90 Goodman Rd, Singapore 439053