Have your child step into the world of code and create their very first project in our 2-Hour Coding Workshops!
Ages 5 to 6: Pong with ScratchJr
- 9am - 11am
Draw, decorate and code a ball that will bounce off the paddle and possibly even hit the clouds high up in the sky!
Ages 7 to 9: Code Your First Game of Pong
- 11.15am - 1.15pm
Create the classic game of Pong on Scratch! Learn to program interactions between sprites, even adding levels and scores!
Ages 10 to 12: Build a BMI Calculator
- 2pm - 4pm
Create your own health advisor program on Python where you can simply key in your height and weight and the program will advise if you are within the ideal weight range!
Ages 13 to 18: My Math Quiz
- 4.15pm - 6.15pm
Touching on key concepts such as a random number generator and checking on Python, get introduced to the basic functions of Python and put them to test immediately by creating your own quiz!
Let your child’s first coding experience be a fruitful and memorable one, join us today!
For more information and to register
Our friendly enrolment consultants are just a dial away! Contact us at: +65 6977 9641 / WhatsApp (+ 65 8118 0113) / Facebook Messenger
Image Credit: Coding Lab Singapore
+65 6528 2282
Parkway Parade, Bukit Timah (KAP Mall) or Online