
S102: Python Basics with Minecraft

S102: Python Basics with Minecraft

Start your child on Python using one of the most popular games of this generation – Minecraft


Consistently ranked #1 as the “Most Popular Coding Language“, learning Python will enable your child to build programs that are used widely today in many domains; Eg. Web Development, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

In this course, using Minecraft, a global sensation which had captivated a generation of children, is a starting point to engage students and impart to them the knowledge of Python programming. Using a context which they are familiar with, students will learn the basics of programming – the syntax and structure, in an engaging and fun way.

Give your child a head start with Python workshops, which will put him/her in good stead for the upcoming launch of Computing as a subject in the GCE “O” Levels in 19 schools in Singapore, starting from 2017.


Course Outline

  • Introduction to Python

Learn to install, setup and run Python
Introduction to the various data types

  • Various Data Types

Learn and apply numerical data and Mathematics operators
Learn String (text) data and String manipulation

  • Making Decisions with Conditional Operators

Syntax of if, if-then-else, if and elif
Combining conditions

  • Loops and Basic Graphics

Using repetition
Using conditional operators with repetition




Fees: 395 新币


+65 6528 2282



Bukit Timah: 9 King Albert Park #02-21, Singapore 598332 | Parkway Parade: 80 Marine Parade Rd #10-06, Singapore 449269