Scratch introduces children to programming in a logical way by opening the door to the world of programming. Just as any student can be an engineer, any student can program!
Embark on fun journey to space with Scratch! Send an astronaut to the moon and defend your moon base from spacerocks. Learn how to use Scratch to create and program sprites, backdrops and basic scripts. Create a new program each day, leave with evidence of your wild space adventure, and be inspired to explore the universe of programming as a SpacePioneer.
Day 1 (Monday): Go to the Moon
Students are introduced to scratch, sprites and scripts. Students will take a blank Scratch program, create a moon and astronaut sprite and will program the astronaut to fly to the moon, using very basic movement and event blocks.
Day 2 (Tuesday): Dancing Alien
In this lesson, students will edit an existing alien sprite, and create a backdrop. Students will then program the alien to do a dance. The dance will involve slightly more complex programming from the students, and the understanding of cause and effect when programming scripts in scratch.
Day 3 (Wednesday): Do the Moonwalk
In this lesson, students create an astronaut sprite, and program him to walk on the moon. The goal in this lesson is for the astronaut to walk across the screen and touch an object. Students are introduced to the concept collisions in programming. When the object is touched, the object will disappear, and the astronaut will say something
Day 4 (Thursday): Shoot the Moon Rock
In this lesson, students will quickly create an astronaut sprite, and three different moon rocks. They will also create a projectile sprite and program the astronaut to follow the mouse pointer, shoot, and destroy the rocks.
Day 5 (Friday): Shoot the Moon Rock
In the last lesson of the camp, students will create a basic Pong game set in space. Students will create a ball sprite (moon rock or earth), two paddle sprites and two scoring zones. Students will then use scratch to program the game.
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Credit: image of Engineering For Kids
Price for 5 days: 200 新币
+65 9626 3926
89 Science Park Drive #01-11 The Rutherford Lobby C, Singapore 118261