
Dialect Talk & Demo: Are you the next Canto Genius?

Pick up Cantonese words and phrases with ease through a talk by Yong Wai Seng, coupled with an interactive charade game by the folks behind locally designed card game SayWhat?


About Yong Wai Seng 

Yong Wai Seng is an advocate for the Cantonese dialect and has launched language classes at Chung Shan Association, Kong Chow Wui Koon and Peck San Theng Centre. At the National University of Singapore, Yong started a Conversational Cantonese class for medical practitioners to prepare them for future work with elderly patients. He also actively participates in Kwangtung Hui Kuan, Hainan Hwee Kuan and Xin Sheng Poets Society’s poetry-reading sessions. 

About SayWhat? 

SayWhat? is a fun card game that can be used to learn languages and Chinese dialects. The team behind SayWhat? also produces design products such as stickers, iron-on patches and tote bags, which inspire people to love languages and Chinese dialects. SayWhat? is proudly created in Singapore.


Image Credit: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay






+65 6828 8377



Moonfest Tea Room (Esplanade Annexe Studio)