
Mr. Crow's Bakery

Mr. Crow's Bakery

A collaboration with the Speak Mandarin Campaign, Priscilla Wong narrates Mr. Crow’s Bakery, Kako Satoshi’s masterful story of family and love.


In the Spring Forest, four healthy baby crows were born. As mother and father crow became busy taking care of their little crows, they were unable to do a good job at their bakery. Often, bread would get burnt and the business was getting worse. However, as the little crows grew up healthily, things started to change...

About Priscilla Wong

Priscilla Wong is the co-founder of Skylace Language School, and has more than 40 years teaching experience. She has been conducting storytelling sessions and reading workshops at various schools, cultivating and promoting children’s interest in reading. Wong also frequently hosts workshops and seminars for both educators and parents, where they can come together to exchange ideas on storytelling activities for children.

She was invited by the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL) as a speaker to share new ideas on storytelling. Wong was also appointed by the National Institute of Education Singapore as an external trainer for Chinese language teachers to master storytelling techniques.

Speak Mandarin Campaign

The Speak Mandarin Campaign encourages Singaporean Chinese to learn and speak Mandarin, and hopes to inculcate an appreciation for Chinese culture, heritage and language.

Performed in Mandarin.


Image Credit: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay






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Esplanade Concourse