EtonHouse International School at Claymore(off Orchard Road) offers a unique experiential playgroup programme for you and your children
Designed and facilitated by highly qualified early childhood educators, the programme offers a range of hands-on experiences to support the development of children who are between 12 to 22 months.
It is a beautiful opportunity to bond with your child and meet other parents in a spontaneous and meaningful way. You will also pick up useful skills and strategies to support your child as he or she reaches key developmental milestones.
Highlights of the programme:
Social – Engaging with others is an integral and vital part of a child’s development. In the company of peers and other adults, there will be plenty of opportunities for your child to observe and develop social skills and begin to make early connections with new people.
Physical – An important developmental domain in infants, physical experiences will help them to master independent movement, object handling and hand to eye coordination, amongst other fine and gross motor skills.
Sensorial – Infants learn through their senses. A variety of sensorial experiences which include textures, sound, smell and visual stimuli are critical for brain development and the development of skills in young children. We encourage children to communicate their thinking in their own unique way by providing a range of natural materials and learning resources.
Musical – Infants and toddlers are born musical. Music enriches a child’s cognition, attention span and language development amongst other skills. A music-rich environment with innovative musical instruments will enhance children’s musical exposure and will offer many fun and engaging learning opportunities.
Through these collaborative learning experiences, children will strengthen their relationships with the primary caregivers and will develop a bond that will enhance their learning as they progress to the next stage of development. Parents and caregivers will develop many skills and strategies to engage effectively with young children and enhance their understanding of key developmental milestones and how best to support them.
Where: EtonHouse, 15 Claymore Road, S229542
When: Mondays and Fridays, 9.30am - 11.00am (click here for dates)
Image Credit: EtonHouse International Education Group
$50 per session (payable on a termly basis)*: 50 新币
+65 6737 3322
15 Claymore Road, Singapore 229542