
3-Day Basic Woodworking For Kids

3-Day Basic Woodworking For Kids

It’s the June Holidays! And our Basic Woodworking for Kids will be back in action, with the restrictions ending soon.


Does your child have a keen interest in hands-on play? Are you looking for a way to challenge their skills, engage their senses, and develop their creativity and problem-solving skills?

Our basic woodworking programme may be just the right opportunity for your child!

No prior experience in woodworking required.

  • Minimum 6 pax to start.  All safe management measures will be followed accordingly.
  • Our public workshops will proceed as normal, as they are not held within enclosed spaces.
  • Groups will stay within a maximum of 2pax per group, all participants will be working independently with no intermingling.
  • Should the restrictions tighten, we would suggest all participants who've signed up to hold their credits for the next run in September.

Sign up here


Image Credit: Ground-Up Initiative (GUI)




Price : 415 新币



Ground-Up Initiative 91 Lorong Chencharu (Yishun) Singapore 769201


Directions to Kampung Kampus