Happy Fish Swim School @ Bukit Timah (Indoor Heated)

The leading swim school in Singapore provides swimming lessons for all ages all across the island


 Creating Solutions That Work Happy Fish began with one swimming instructor, carrying a dream to introduce efficacious swimming lessons so as to take a step towards reducing deaths due to drowning.

Happy Fish Swim School Pte Ltd is now a 300-strong team, working towards the next step of branching out to 10 countries in Asia so more people have a chance to swim, and eventually building the first sports school. It also became distressing to hear a rising number of drowning deaths in Singapore. Also, a 11 March 2016 Straits Times piece shared that KK Women's and Children's Hospital reported 104 incidents where children either almost drowned or ended up dying at condominium pools. This number was for between 2011 to 2015. 

Flexible and Reliable From six months’ young to sixty years old, from the underwater bubble blower to the competitive swimmer, every learner is given the same amount of attention. Instructors are well versed not only in swim methodologies, they are also intuitive to mould existing teaching curriculum that’ll be appropriate for an individual’s learning aptitude and progress.

Duration: 30 minutes per lesson


  • Weekday: S$342.40 per term (incl. GST)
  • Weekend: S$428.00 per term (incl. GST)
  • Term: 10 + 2 lessons
  • Group size: max. 6 students


Credit Images of Happy Fish Swim School Pte Ltd


+65 65898650



8 Duke's Rd Bukit Timah