Join us to see, hear, feel and create what the brown bear saw!
- Chinese storytelling of 棕色的熊 棕色的熊 你在看什么?(Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)
- Hunt the colours (Gross motor activity)
- DIY Animal Headband (Craft)
- Stamp & Print (Sensory)
Our sessions are parent-accompanied and designed for toddlers from 18 months to 3 years old. (We welcome children of other ages too.)
How to sign up
If you are keen to sign up, please rsvp at Home Play Meetup group here and I will send you a private message with payment details.
Slots will be confirmed on a first come first served basis, upon payment.
Please read the Home Play Singapore terms and conditions (via the link below) before you sign up for this playdate.
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
per child: 20 新币
Sengkang Riverside Park 544834, Singapore