恭喜发财,红包拿来!We’re having a Chinese New Year and shapes-themed session, come join in the festive fun!
- Chinese storytelling of 猪宝宝找形状 (Original story by us!)
- Mini Lion Dance Challenge (Gross motor activity)
- DIY 福画 painting (Craft)
- Homemade play dough & shapes (Sensory)
Our sessions are parent-accompanied and designed for toddlers from 18 months to 3 years old. (We welcome children of other ages too.)
Please rsvp to this event here and I will send you a private message (via this meetup app) with payment details. Slots will be confirmed on a first come first served basis, only upon payment.
Members who fail to make payment after 2days will be removed from the RSVP list to free up the slots for others.
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
per child: 20 新币
Mushroom Cafe, Singapore