Join us for a Fun-tastic Easter Playdate!
We will warm everyone up with a welcome song and a sing a long nursury rhymes session with movement, puppets and music instruments, followed by the rainbow parachute.
We will learn about Easter through the storytime, have a fun time of Easter themed sensory play, Easter Crafts and more.
This session is suitable for 18 months to 4 years old. Older children are welcomed to join the playdate as well.
Limited to 10 families.
Please indicate your name, name of your child(ren) & age, tel number & email. Please notify mummy Florence via Whatsapp at +65 9455 0762. Registration will be confirmed upon payment, first come first served. Please complete payment within 3 days of registration.
Payment options:
- POSB Passbook Savings Account 103-94707-3.
- UOB Savings Account 355-376-431-7
- PayNow or PayLah! at +65 9455 0762
Please indicate HomeplaySG/your name under the comments section.
Confirmed participants will be further notified on what to expect at the playgroup session.
This session will be conducted in English.
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
- If you are unable to attend, no refund will be payable but you are allowed to transfer to other family/friend to attend.
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
per session (each parent and child pair): 20 新币
additional sibling: 10 新币
Senja Rd Bukit, Singapore