*NEW! Starting from 26 March 19, we will introduce Montessori practical life skills into our weekly session
This week theme is Four Seasons!
English session: 26 March 19, 10am
Mandarin session: 2 april 19, 10am
Come and join a group of parents (mummy Kevy & Alice ) and children aged 20m-4y to learn through play. We run weekly theme-based sessions of music & movement, storytelling, role play, sensory play, messy play , art & craft etc.
Limit to 8 children per session
*There will be 2 Mandarin sessions and 2 English sessions each month.
*Parents can either join in or take a turn to conduct the session.
Mummy Kevy's sweet home at Pasir Ris ( actual address will be provided to the confirmed participants)
$20 per pair ( 1 adult + kid) for family joins in as a participant, no joining fee for a parent who takes a turn to conduct.
How to register:
- RSVP at Meetup here https://www.meetup.com/Home-Play-Singapore/events/259981972/ by indicating your name, child name & age, tel number & email.
- Upon RSVP, please proceed to payment Paynow/Paylah! +65 9687 6023 or bank transfer POSB savings 107-48205-9. Please notify mummy Alice +65 9687 6023 after your transfer.
- More details will be furnished for interested participants.
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
- If you are unable to attend, no refund will be payable but you are allowed to transfer to other family/friend to attend.
Once you have signed up for play date you are deemed to have read all policies and terms and conditions
This weekly learning group is Ideal for parents who are looking for opportunities
- To actively involve in your child’s learning
- To build a stronger bond and relationship with your child
- Improve social interaction through playdate & group activities
- Child can learn at their own pace
- Give your child more attention and cultivate their unique interests
- Get hands-on connections in their learning through field trip/outdoor learning
- Flexible learning
Home Play Singapore 家佳乐 aims to provide our children with a happy, caring and friendly environment to play, learn and grow together in every neighbourhood in Singapore~
Other info:
*Join us to run play date
Please fill in this form:
Guidelines and play ideas reference will be provided.
*Follow us on
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
Pasir Ris, Pasir Ris, Singapore 509404