My work philosophy with young children centers very much on child-led inquiry
Children are capable of constructing their own learning. They are driven by their interests to understand and know more.
With younger children from infants to pre-walkers, they experience the world and gain knowledge through their senses and motor movements. This stage of development is also known as sensorimotor development. Regular music and movement sessions help nurture this area of development.
This playgroup focuses on singing, music and movement for both parent and baby/toddler. Singing and dancing is a great way for your child to develop social skills as well as for you to bond with your child. Studies have shown that regular singing sessions help to broaden your child's vocabulary and listening skills which are an essential part of learning to read, write and communicate. Music has a special power. It lights up all areas of child development: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language. It helps strengthen concentration and memory skills.
What to expect?
- Storytelling (Good reading habits start young!)
- Music and Movement (use of visual props for eg, puppets, dance scarves, ribbons, musical instruments)
- Sensory activity (craft work, process art, messy play)
- snack time (after 45 min session)
Our structured classes involve repetition to support learning but there will be a theme of focus each season to keep the babies and toddlers stimulated.
We will have a circle time for snack-sharing. Parents are welcomed to stay on for a chat while your children enjoy some free play.
Class details
Fee: $25* per class for parent-child ($15 for additional member)
*For half term block classes of 4= $23 per class ($13 for additional member)
*For full term block classes of 9= $20 per class ($10 for additional member)
Duration: 45 min
(Parents may feel free to stay on to connect with other parents while kids enjoy some free play. Venue is available till 1115am)
Age group: recommended for 6 months old to 3 years old
Venue: Home studio (Anchorvale Road, Sengkang)
Dates: Every Thu, 1000-1115 hrs (starting from 10Jan19 through 14Mar19; 9 classes this term; no class on 7Feb19 due to CNY)
Class size: small group size up to 8 pairs of parent-child.
**Bring along some snacks to share!
How to register:
- RSVP here. Please indicate your name, name of your child & age, tel number & email.
- Proceed for payment to confirm your registration within 3 days of RSVP
Payment options (Mama Huiyun):
1. POSB Passbook Savings Account 003-48311-8
2. PayNow or PayLah! at +65 86007836
3. OCBC PayAnyone at +65 86007836
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
-If you are unable to attend, no refund will be payable but you are allowed to transfer to other family/friend to attend.
Once you have signed up for play date you are deemed to have read all policies and terms and conditions
More about the facilitator:
I lived in the Netherlands for the past four years with my husband and my then one-year old Son. In 2016, I birthed my second son in the Netherlands. During the four years, I have been closely in touch with both the local Dutch early childhood education system as well as their international preschool education system.
Last year, I collaborated with the local library board and conducted weekly storytelling and sing-along sessions for kids 0-4 years old in Amstelveen, the city I was living in. Dutch parents emphasized a lot on play and movement as well as good resting and sleeping habits.
A very back-to-the-basis and fuss-free parenting approach. It’s no wonder the Dutch kids are known as one of the happiest children in the world!
Come and join me to embrace this amazing parenthood journey together!
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
Fee / per class for parent-child : 25 新币 ($15 for additional member)
For half term block classes of 4 - per class : 23 新币 ($13 for additional member)
Home Play Singapore