Celebrate a memorable Mid-Autumn Festival at the Gardens by the Bay!
They have prepared a series of festive themed activities for you and your little ones to enjoy making together during this lunar celebration!
Use edible play dough with mooncake mould to form fun shapes with your kids to play with at a make-believe tea party. Have fun painting in unique way - using tea! Make your very own lanterns and decorate them.
What’s more, discover more about the Chinese language and culture during toddler-friendly lantern riddles session where your toddler can even join you to find the answer! To end off the session, light up your lantern and take a stroll down the lake to soak in the lively atmosphere with family and friends!
If you have mImage Credit: Home Play Singaporeore time, you can end your walk at the Supertree Grove for the music & lights show - Tales of the Moon.
RSVP here by indicating your tel number, email address, child name & age & no of attendees.
To confirm your registration, please to proceed your payment to Agnes Liew:
- Ocbc saving account 511 316 325 001
- Or PayNow +65 9878 1364
Please notify Agnes your transfer via WhatsApp +65 9878 1364
*Further details will be provided to confirmed participants.
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
- If you are unable to attend, no refund will be payable but you are allowed to transfer to other family/friend to attend.
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
per child: 25 新币 (parents - free)
second child: 15 新币
+65 9008 0920
18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953