STEAM based Halloween playdate gets spookier!
Join us to see what happens when Science Technology Engineering Art and Maths meet.
Highlights of the play session includes:
- Learning to count with I spy game (Math) to familiarise with the new environment.
- Welcome song and rhymes ( Lang&Literacy)
- Hand Print X-Ray! (Science&Art)
- Story time! (Lang&Literacy)
- Building a wobbly monster circuit. (Technology)
- Citrus fruits reaction (Science)
and a surprise spooky engineering activity!
RSVP on MeetUp. Indicate your name, name of your child(ren) and age, tel number and email. If you have RSVPd, for address and payment options please contact mummy Soumya via WhatsApp +65 9088 7569.
Image Credit: Home Play Singapore
per Child (with 1 parent): 10 新币
34A Hillview Terrace, Singapore 669255