Summer School Discovery returns and we’d like to invite YOU to join us in this journey!
Each day is designed to be unique both in content and delivery. Start your day with Language Discovery and transition to our STEM Discovery (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Arts Discovery (art, music, drama and crafts) or Discovery Adventures (sports and activities)!
Courses are holistically designed to last a week and each week provides different activities and challenges. So even if you pick the same Discovery for multiple weeks, the topics evolve and are guaranteed to pique your interest.
Spoilt for choice? Sign up for the entire duration.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience summer to remember.
9722 5340 Query Hotline
Image Credit: ISS International School
Morning Session (AM, 9am to 12 noon): Language Discovery: 410 新币
Morning Session (AM, 9am to 12 noon): STEM Discovery: 410 新币
Morning Session (AM, 9am to 12 noon): Arts Discovery: 410 新币
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm): Arts Discovery: 410 新币
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm): Chinese Language Discovery: 410 新币
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm): Heritage Explorers‡: 540 新币
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm): STEM Discovery: 410 新币 (+ S$130†)
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm) / Discovery Adventures: Active Adventurer (ages 4-6): 410 新币
Afternoon Session (PM, 1pm to 4pm) / Discovery Adventures: Active Adventurer Tweens (ages 7-10) & Adventure Sports (ages 11-18)‡: 540 新币
Full-Day Session Intensive English Programme: Bold Pioneers (Programme: 9:00am – 4:00pm) Lunch: 12:00 noon – 1:00pm): 3280 新币 (4 Weeks )
Lunch: 50 新币 ( Lunch is available to students who register for both morning & afternoon sessions (full-day))
9722 5340 Query Hotline
25 Paterson Rd River Valley