
The Lakeside Project - Jurong Lake Gardens

The Lakeside Project - Jurong Lake Gardens

The Lakeside Project aims to pay tribute to biodiversity and identify the vital relationship between art and natural science.


Biodiversity in the ecosystem sustains the balance and well-being of all living creatures. Taking time to reflect upon the dynamic variations of living organisms that live on and within the earth’s surfaces and seas inspires us to appreciate the complex, beautiful and sublime qualities of Nature and the life-forms she embodies.

Awareness is the first critical step. A step that shifts our personal and collective outlooks away from the exploitation of nature towards the nurturing of it. A step away from a mindset that separates us from the natural world as we move towards an understanding that we are inextricably part of it.

Art can help build awareness. Art helps us visualise our complicated relationship to the natural world.

While science measures the health of the planet, art applies a unique set of tools to represent our world: irony, allegory,
metaphor and humour. Science provides facts while art tells stories.

Biodiversity is everywhere, and we are a part of it.

About the Artist: Rizman Putra

An artist of multiple personas, Rizman Putra has been actively blurring the lines between performance, visual arts and music for the last decade. Winner of Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) Singapore Foundation Arts Award 2005 (as part of the artist collective Kill Your Television [KYTV] of which he is co-founder), Rizman has performed and exhibited his works in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, United Kingdom and Vietnam.


Image Credit: National Parks







Along Yuan Ching Road and Boon Lay Way, Singapore