Karate Classes @Karate Nation

Join us for the best Karate experience in Singapore!


At Karate Nation we thrive to share our passion for Karate as an activity to find balance and to develop your mind and body equally.

We believe that Karate is the perfect Martial Art to provide the emotional skills set, discipline, and values necessary to conquer any challenges and to become ultimately a healthy and balanced person.

Karate Kids (4-6 Years Old)

Our Holistic Karate Program focused on the fundamentals of the Traditional Karate. This program is designed to enable students to master the specific techniques of this Martial Art and acquire the moral values embedded on it.

Karate-Do (7-9 Years Old)

Our comprehensive program will provide a complete Karate experience, going through all the aspects of the discipline with sessions tailored for each age group. The students are the epicenter of the program aiming to advance their skills, enrich passion for Karate and its core values.

Japan Karate Association program:

  • The curriculum is in line with the J.K.A., one of the most influential Shotokan Karate Organization in the world and the only Japanese Martial Arts to have been recognized as a public interest incorporated association in 2012.

Physical development:

  • Karate-Do training aims to enhance student’s level of fitness, motricity and coordination.

Spirit of Martial Arts:

  • Self Control, Respect for Others, Ability to Focus, Good Manners— These are just some of the Values that we are hoping to share and instill to our students. Each class starts and ends with “Mokuso” – Meditation.
  • We envision our students to develop patience and to have a strong respect for other people.

Principles of Karate:

  • We live by the 5 Principles of Karate “Dojo-Kun“

Mini Ninjas (2-3 Years Old)

The idea of this program is to introduce Karate and institute its benefits to their developing characters through various games and workshops that is beneficial for developing body awareness.

Aim to establish and develop:

  • Coordination skills 
  • Social skills
  • Basic Self-Defense 
  • Embrace Martial Arts values (Respect and Discipline)

Karate Elites Competitive Program

Tailored for students aiming to compete for National and International Tournaments. We provide support in polishing Kata/Kumite skills by following a specific program that will prepare the athletes for the upcoming competitions.

Kata Focus:

  • This program can be tailored to students that would like to polish their Kata skills by following a specific program and a review of their techniques to ensure efficiency, speed, and power.

Kumite Focus:

  • Students interested in Kumite can be integrated into this program, where there will be a guided step by step program showcasing a series of drills, agility training, and cognitive exercises to further reach the competitive level of sparring.

Online Classes

New and existing students are welcome to join our Live Online classes streaming everyday. You can learn and participate on training online from the convenience of your home.

We are offering One-on-One coaching, Group Sessions and Family Sessions.

About Cyril Martins

Cyril Martins is a 3 rd Dan Karate Black Belt from the Japan Karate Association.

He started Karate in 2011 back in France, then moved to Singapore to develop his professional career in Supply Chain and later Recruitment. In Singapore, Cyril continued to train in Karate under the guidance of Sensei Tan Soo Lin (5th DAN JKA) and after 4 years of practice, in 2015, he earned his Black Belt and his 2nd DAN the following year.

He had an opportunity to participate in competitions in Singapore and Malaysia where he won 7 different awards in Kata and Kumite. ​He also represented Singapore in the World Championship in 2017 in Ireland.

Schedule here

Register here


Images Credit: Karate Nation


星期一 17:30–20:30, 星期二 17:00–18:00, 星期三–星期四 18:00–19:00, 星期五 17:00–18:00, 星期六 10:00–15:30, 星期日 11:30–12:30.




+65 9107 0360

