
Christmas Popsicle Steamed Buns

Christmas Popsicle Steamed Buns

“Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle all the way...”

Our cute Santa Claus and his team will be making their way to our studio in Nov, making sure you have the time to present them during your year end Christmas party! 
What’s more, parents out there will be delighted that this theme is perfect to bring your child along! The ideal holiday bonding session for you and your child! 

Learn only from the Best instructor! 

Miss Shirley Tan is one of the TOP instructors for 3D Steamed Buns in Singapore! For those who have attended her classes, you know how dedicated and patient she teaches her students.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Uniquely designed recipes and exclusive techniques to make healthy and adorable steamed buns
  • How to prepare a basic dough via mixers and kneading by hands
  • How to color the dough with natural colored powder
  • Technique of modeling skills
  • Various ways to judge the completion of fermentation and right steaming time


  • Workshop duration: 3 hours
  • Workshop Type: Full Hands-On 
  • All equipment, ingredients and packaging provided. 
  • Each pair will bring home one Santa, one Xmas tree and one Lollipop popsicle steamed bun specially made by yourselves. 

Slots are limited as each class is limited to only 6 pairs of students. 

For registration, PM us, call/whatsapp us at +65 9389 6066.

Please note that you are welcomed to take pictures during the class but videography in the workshop is Strictly prohibited. 

Workshop duration may also vary slightly due to yeast fermentation time. If you have a tight schedule, please leave allowance for an additional hour of extension for this workshop.


Image Credit: Little Bakers Lab 




Fees / per pair (1 parent + 1 child): 180 新币


+65 9389 6066



87A Serangoon Garden Way 555983