
March Holidays Show Choir Boot Camp

March Holidays Show Choir Boot Camp

Probably the best Music and Dance Camp of the year!


Show Choir Boot Camp is a holiday camp that exposes your child to show choir - an art form that combines Singing, Dancing & Acting into one performance.

This is no easy task.  It takes a lot of hard work to be able to execute a Show Choir piece properly.  Apart from memorizing lyrics, your child will also have to learn Vocal Harmony Parts, and carefully fit that to complex Choreography moves.  

Sign up before 10th March 2017!

Why should your children join?

  • Improve

To improve and build up their confidence, with the opportunity to perform on stage

  • Learn

Learn Singing & Dance Skills, as well as how to be a better and more confident Performer

  • Enjoy

To enjoy and have fun, as well as to perform in a video taking cum showcase at the end of the day

  • Explore

Explore the joys of combining singing with complex choreography


10am - 1030am - Registration

1030am - 11am - Games & Ice Breakers

11am - 12.30pm - Exploring Vocal Techniques and Vocal Harmonies with Chosen Piece

12.30pm - 1.30pm - Lunch

1.30pm - 2.30pm - Revision of Vocal Harmonies

2.30pm - 5pm - Choreography Practice

5pm - 5.30pm - Combining the Singing & Dancing

5.30pm - 6pm - Video Taking + Showcase (Optional for Parents to be around.  A wide angled video will be sent to parents at the end of the Camp)


Credit: Image of MADDspace




1 Day Camp Pass: 98 新币
2 Days Camp Pass: 188 新币


+65 6980 6884



1, Selegie Road, GR.ID Mall, Singapore, Singapore