
A Christmas Magical Tale 亲子绘本活动 Chinese Storytelling《从窗外送来的礼物》

A Christmas Magical Tale 亲子绘本活动 Chinese Storytelling《从窗外送来的礼物》

"Santa, you delivered the wrong present  again!"

Santa Claus is coming to town and he is delivering presents! However, he didn't look clearly at who he was giving the presents to. Will he get the presents right? Let’s find out together and unravel the surprise!

In this storytelling event, parents and their children can have a fun time listening to the stories and working on the activities together. Ms Ivy will also share with parents how to read and bond with children, and parenting tips.

Register here


Image Credit: Maha Yu Yi Pte Ltd




1 Adult + 1 Child: 38 新币 (includes one book, art & craft material, one $10 book voucher)
2 Adults + 2 Children: 58 新币 (includes one book, art & craft material, two $10 book voucher)


+65 6336 5222



#03-07 #03-11 Bras Basah Complex 231 Bain Street, Singapore 180231