
Thinking Cap Workshop for Primary 3 - 6

Thinking Cap Workshop for Primary 3 - 6

Through MindChamps’ proprietary Thinking Cap Programme, you can empower your child with the crucial learning, thinking and communication skills needed to excel in school and beyond


This fun-filled workshop is specially designed to introduce the Champion Mindset to P3 – P6 students. Students will gain self-directed learning skills, creative problem-solving, divergent thinking skills and boost their confidence though exciting activities. This forms a secure foundation upon which to build the learning behaviours that will lead to sustainable success in the all-important years of their academic life.


  • To introduce the champion mindset and how it can influence a child positively
  • To gain confidence through self-awareness and creativity exercises
  • To develop self-directed learning skills through creative problem-solving and divergent thinking skills
  • To learn the necessary principle of time management in achieving their goals

In this workshop

  • To direct learners towards creative flexibility and fluency and minimise barriers to creative thoughts
  • To build emotional resilience, effective communication skills, and affirmative behaviour patterns
  • Use of drama/story-telling/metaphors to illustrate the main focus of the lesson plan
  • To develop visual perception skills through fun activities and games
  • Brain Gym exercises are carried out in class to help develop child’s loco motor movements and increase alertness.
  • Use of Visualization to engage a child’s imagination and helps children to focus and concentrate better

Primary 3 & 4 (Book here)

Primary 5 & 6 (Book here)


Image Credit: MindChamps Singapore Pte Ltd 




Primary 3 & 4: 228 新币 (BOOK VIA http://workshops.mindchamps.com/#tcp)
Primary 5 & 6: 228 新币 (BOOK VIA http://workshops.mindchamps.com/#tcp)


+65 83320020



6 Raffles Boulevard Marina Square #04-100, Singapore