
Dads and Babies Massage Class @ Mother and Child Singapore

Dads and Babies Massage Class @ Mother and Child Singapore

Infant Massage at Mother & Child is tailored especially for babies from 2 to 12 months old.


Classes are facilitated by a fully qualified and experienced nurse and lactation consultant who also specialises in infant massage.

Massaging your baby is a beautiful and loving way to being a lifelong relationship together.

Below are some Benefits of Infant Massage:

  • Is a great way to relax both yourself and your child
  • Helps to relieve colic and windy infants
  • Helps to relax the child for a restful night’s sleep Beneficial to “fussy” unsettled children.
  • Helps relieve baby’s discomfort of teething, congestion and stress


Image Credit: Mother and Child Singapore




Price: 150 新币


+65 6836 0063



03-11 Tanglin Mall, 163 Tanglin Road, Singapore, 247933