
New Mothers Get Together

New Mothers Get Together

Mother & Child offers the New Mother's Get Together class for new mothers with babies from about two weeks to three months of age.


New Mother's Get Together provides new mothers with a venue to meet other mothers in the same situation as them. The New Mother's Get Together class is facilitated by trained staff (Registered Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, and Maternal and Child Health Educators).

During the four-week program relevant topics are covered, however, this is tailored to meet the specific needs of the group.

Week One

  • Introductions;
  • Your birth experience;
  • Your experience so far.

Week Two

  • Normal growth and milestones;
  • Why do babies cry?;
  • Feeding problems;
  • Colic and reflux;
  • Settling techniques;
  • Pacifiers.

Week Three

  • Common infant problems and illnesses;
  • Teething;
  • Mastitis and blocked ducts;
  • Immunizations;
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome;
  • Post Natal Depression.

Week Four

  • Travelling with baby;
  • Going back to work;
  • Relationships;
  • Resources.

Speakers are invited to present at these sessions. They include a Paediatrician, Osteopath, Counsellor, Dietician and Physiotherapist.


Image Credit: Mother and Child Singapore




for 4 sessions: 195 新币


+65 6836 0063



03-11 Tanglin Mall, 163 Tanglin Road, Singapore, 247933