
New Mothers Get Together Group

This is a wonderful class for new mothers with babies of the same ages to meet each other while learning about topics applicable to your child's development

Week 1:

  • Introduction to the program, each other, facilitator and discuss your birth experiences.
  • Immunization

Week 2:

  • The early weeks
  • Normal growth and milestones
  • Reducing SIDS risks
  • Crying
  • Normal sleep patterns

Week 3:

  • Common mother/infant problems & illnesses
  • BF problems
  • Postnatal depression
  • Pelvic floor issues
  • Common minor ailments in baby
  • When your baby is ill

Week 4:

  • Travelling with baby
  • Going back to work
  • Relationships
  • Resources

Each week, a different guest speaker from various professional backgrounds (pediatrician, osteopath, physiotherapist, counselor) will attend the class for a short presentation.
Yummy tea, coffee and cake/lactation cookies will also be served during class, so please come along to make new friends!

For bookings, please call +65 68360063.


Credit Image: of Mother & Child




Cost : 195 新币


+65 6836 0063



03-11 Tanglin Mall, 163 Tanglin Road, Singapore, 247933