
Postnatal Pilates

Postnatal Pilates

Postnatal Pilates


We offer Postnatal Pilates, 6 weeks after a natural delivery, or 12 weeks after a caesarean section. We advise you to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

We offer attractive packages which you can purchase online or at our office when you attend the class.

The benefits of pilates

Post-Natal Pilates aligns the skeletal and muscular imbalances to bring the body to pre-pregnancy health. Benefits include:

  • Better breathing pattern; gains a sense of rhythm and timing, reduce discomfort
  • Helps improve the abdominal muscles affected by Diastasis Recti
  • Improves mental concentration and the general mood of the body
  • Enhancing core strength in the abdomen, back and shoulder area
  • Improves spinal and pelvic stability
  • Strengthening muscles that will aid in carrying, feeding etc.
  • Strengthens the pelvic floor to prevent incontinence
  • Whole Body Conditioning exercise movements
  • Obtaining proper posture and structural alignment
  • Stretches tight muscles to reduce discomfort
  • Promotes flexibility
  • Increases body awareness

Book Now


Image Credit: Mother & Child Singapore




星期一–星期六 09:00–17:00, 星期日 10:30–15:30.




Trial Class : 35 新币
4 Class Package : 130 新币 (save $10)
8 Class Package : 240 新币 (save $40)
16 Class Package : 385 新币 (save $175)


+65 6836 0063



03-11 Tanglin Mall, 163 Tanglin Road, Singapore, 247933