
Parkour for Everyone

Parkour for Everyone

Fagan Cheong, Director and Head Coach of Move Academy Singapore, will conduct three 'Parkour for Everyone' public workshops across the Giving Week Festival.


These workshops revolve around three pillars - Health, Fun and Mastery - and demonstrates how Parkour can be an incredibly empowering yet easily accessible tool for holistic functionality, fulfilment and well-being. 

Workshop prices are based on The Honour System - Empower people with the freedom to decide how much to give based on how much they value the service and experience.

50% of collected funds will go to Metta Hospice Care - "Set up in June 2000 to offer free home hospice care to the terminally ill of all ages and races, the Metta Hospice Care has since helped 1200 patients live with quality and dignity throughout the last phase of their lives."

Workshop #1 (Outdoors)

  • Date & Time: 29th November 2017, Wednesday, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
  • Location: 204 Bishan Street 23, S570204
  • Objective: Basic Jumping and Landing Techniques
  • Bathing Facilities: No

Register here

Workshop #2 (Indoors)

  • Date & Time: 2nd December 2017, Saturday, 10am - 12pm
  • Location: Move Academy Singapore, 43 Carpenter Street #02-01, S059922
  • Objective: Basic Vaulting and Break Fall Techniques
  • Bathing Facilities: Yes

Register here

Workshop #3 (Outdoors)

  • Date & Time: 3rd December 2017, Sunday, 10am - 12pm
  • Location: (Entrance of) Clementi Sports Hall, 518 Clementi Avenue 3, S129907
  • Objective: Basic Climbing and Descending Techniques
  • Bathing Facilities: Yes

Register here

What to Expect

'Parkour for Everyone' is a fun, safe and no-pressure introduction to the history and foundation of the art of Parkour, and is suitable for anybody in good health and not dealing with major injuries. Through these workshops, participants will experience why Parkour is suitable for all ages, genders and lifestyles, whether you are an office worker, an occasional brisk walker or fitness enthusiast. You will discover a new world of freedom and confidence in movement, which will in due time positively transform your health.

What to Bring

All you need are comfortable sports attire and shoes (most practitioners prefer sweatpants) and sufficient water for hydration. You can also bring bathing necessities (for workshops #2 and #3) and a spare set of clothes to change into if necessary.


Credit: image of Move Academy Singapore







204 Bishan Street 23, Singapore 570204