
Tots Open House at My Gym@Marine Parade

Tots Open House at My Gym@Marine Parade

My Gym has developed an extraordinary program and facilities devised to help children to develop physically, cognitively and emotionally.


They have over 500 locations in more than 30 countries offering structured, age-appropriate, weekly classes that incorporate music, dance, relays, games, special rides, gymnastics, sports and more. Facilities, programs and services empower youngsters by helping them acquire the skills, confidence and positive self-image needed to become healthy young adults.

My Gym’s staff are also trained to provide children with the opportunity to establish warm relationships with compassionate adults, thus raising their level of comfort as they begin preschool/kindergarten.

In addition to having fun with structured games, fascinating Adventures, and pre-gymnastics, Terrific Tots learn beginning sports skills, gain fine and gross motor proficiency, and strengthen manipulative skills. The youngsters become more independent as teachers are now interacting more directly with them. Parental involvement is gradually decreased through inviting activities with love and understanding, and the children exude pride and self-esteem as they are treated like "big kids." 

Strictly for First Timer & Non-member. 

Register here


Credit: image of My Gym






+65 6440 9916



12 Katong 112 East Coast Road #03-11, Singapore 428802