
Die Fledermaus: The Revenge of the Bat

Die Fledermaus: The Revenge of the Bat

In celebration of NAFA’s 80th birthday, the Academy is producing its first-ever operetta, “Die Fledermaus : The Revenge of the Bat”


This operetta is composed by Johann Strauss II to a German libretto by Karl Haffner and Richard Genée, but will be presented by NAFA with a local twist. Set in contemporary Singapore, this operetta will be sung in German with speaking parts in English, Chinese and a smattering of Singlish.
This production is a multi-disciplinary collaboration, where students and alumni members from all of NAFA’s eight disciplines across three schools will be involved. School of Music will be the main player with maestro Lim Yau leading the orchestra; School of Arts Management, Dance & Theatre will be showcasing their talents, and School of Arts & Design will be applying their artistic talents in designing of the publicity collaterals, stages and costumes. Last but not least, children from NAFA’s School of Young Talents, Junior Drama Department will also be appearing in one of the scenes in the production.
Working alongside with NAFA faculty, students and alumni are experienced professionals in the performing arts scene, who will be helping in the areas of production management, stage management, light designing, répétiteur and surtitling. The production will be directed by Mr David Edwards, who works internationally as a stage director, writer and presenter collaborating with Opera Companies, Symphony Orchestras, Universities and Young Artists’ Training Programmes in the UK, USA, Europe, Japan and Singapore.
It will be a truly NAFA production.
Set in cosmopolitan Singapore of today, Gabriel, an affluent Art Dealer, encounters a scuffle with the law and is about to be jailed for eight days. He leaves behind a beautiful wife, Rosalinde, and a vivacious domestic helper, Adele. Meanwhile, some sub-plots develop. Alfred, an old flame of Rosalinde, wishes to renew acquaintance with her. Adele receives an invitation from her sister, Ida, to attend a lavish party given by a Prince Orlofsky.
Comedic confusion arises when Gabriel attends the same party with his friend, Falke. Rosalinde, under disguise as a Countess, also arrives at the same party. Gabriel intends to have one last fling before imprisonment and flirts with the masked Rosalinde!
As the farce develops, it revolves around a practical joke designed by Falke. So did Gabriel finally serve his jail term in Changi Prison? Did Rosalinde succumb to Alfred or to Gabriel?
With a cast of lead singers and actors comprising the associates from the Royal College of Music,  illustrious Alumni, talented Faculty and Students, under the baton of Maestro Lim Yau, Dean of NAFA’s School of Music, this production will entrall you. The Stage Director is Mr David Edwards, who also works internationally as a writer and presenter in the UK, USA, Europe, Japan and Singapore.

10% Discount for Early Bird (Valid till 20 Jul 2018)


Image Credit: Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)





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NAFA Lee Foundation Theatre, Singapore