
Puppets and Imagine-Nations by Artsolute

Puppets & Imagine-Nations is an interactive storytelling and puppet-making workshop for the whole family to enjoy!


Presented by Artsolute and in response to the works from the UOB Southeast Asia Gallery, participants of this workshop will learn about the histories and intricacies of Southeast Asian puppetry from professional puppert artists through creative puppet making, immersive storytelling workshops and by being part of a puppet performance co-developed between participants and the facilitators. 

Deepen your appreciation of this traditional Southeast Asian artform and express your creativity in this interactive workshop that promises to delight all participants and families!

Buy tickets here


Credit: image of National Gallery Singapore




Fees per adult-child pair: 20 新币 (includes materials and SISTIC fees)
Fees per adult-child trip: 30 新币 (includes materials and SISTIC fees)


+65 6271 7000



1 St Andrew’s Road #01–01 新加坡 178957