P.S. I Love You Photography


Welcome to P.S. I Love You Photography!


About the Photographer

Patricia has three beautiful children who keep life exciting (and crazy at times). More than eight years into the trade, she has worked with many families all over the world, from tiny little newborns, toddlers to teenagers. She appreciates the friendships formed with many of them returning with their second child and third children.

It is always a beautiful blessing to be invited to photograph some of these precious journeys; welcoming a new little baby, celebrating that first birthday milestone and more. Nothing makes her more delighted than to capture the essence of a little someone. Her passion in creating pieces of art began as a child as it manifested itself once again when she had her first born in 2009. From making her own props to painting pieces of wood to create the perfect distressed and rustic feel for her backdrops, she enjoys putting together various concepts with curios collected from far and wide. Travelling makes a fantastic excuse to hunt and ship back a unique piece of prop just to complete the look she envisioned. Unconventional and free-spirited, she embraces new ideas and is not afraid to try something new.

More information about P.S. I Love You Photography


Image Credit: P.S. I Love You Photography!


+65 93804576

