
No Strings Attached 2019

No Strings Attached 2019

No Strings Attached is an annual mini puppetry festival hosted by Paper Monkey Theatre, and this year will be in its fourth year of running.


This puppetry festival that gathers reputable puppetry groups from around the world for exchange and interaction, and to perform for Singapore audiences! 

This year’s No Strings Attached will see performances from Thailand, Taiwan, as well as Singapore. All shows are either performed using mime or in English to help everyone to better understand the performance. There will also be fringe activities where audiences can enjoy in between shows. So bring your family and come on down to enjoy and be dazzled by these amazing puppetry performances!

Buy tickets here


Image Credit: Paper Monkey Theatre




per show: 15 新币
for 2 shows: 25 新币
for 3 shows: 35 新币


+65 6440 5706



90 Goodman Rd, Singapore