
Artist-led Workshop:Co-create with Playeum and the Clement Space

Artist-led Workshop:Co-create with Playeum and the Clement Space

Playeum’s current exhibition I-Opener is inspired by disabled people.


The Clement Space is a unique space designed by Dr Dawn-joy Leong, an autistic artist. Her all-white design, coupled with highly sensory materials, encourages children to imagine and feel the beauty of white and quiet in a world marked by noise and overly bright colours. In this workshop, Dr Leong invites parents and children to co-create and extend the current space with her. All participants are invited to contribute to the space with the softness of silk, wool and translucent materials.

Dr Leong’s creativity aims to inspire children and parents to make and co-create unique sensory objects that can be added to the space, as well as motivate personalized creations of clement spaces at home. Under the artistic and creative guidance of Dr Leong, parents and children will explore and learn how to make items that they can touch and feel. Activities include weaving, pom-pom making and the creation of imaginary soft objects through tying and stitching.

Programme Flow:

  • 10:30am to 10:50am: Explanation of Clement Space by Dr. Dawn-joy Leong
  • 10:50am to 12:00pm: Engagement and co-creation of Clement space items
  • 12:00pm to 12:30pm: Becoming a community - Getting together and talking about the creation

Register here


Image Credit: Playeum, Children's Centre for Creativity




per child/adult pair: 30 新币
per adult (w/o children): 30 新币


+65 6262 0750



47 Malan Road #01-23 Gillman Barracks, Singapore 109444