Poppet’s World

Poppet is an educational services and book publishing company.


It was started to encourage the love of discovering new stories and to help young children pick up the language and communication skills they need so they can share theirs.

In an increasingly globalised world, we believe it is ever more important that we provide our children with a strong foundation in their Mother Tongue language as this strengthens their bond with their heritage and community

What we do at Poppet is not just for the children who are starting on their learning journey. It's also for those of us - parents, caregivers and educators - who are going on the journey with them. The path is not always clearly marked and we need all the help that we can get.

Our Objectives

To give young children a head start in their learning journey by:

  • Providing quality learning resources
  • Developing literacy and communication skills
  • Encouraging and instilling positive learning attitudes
  • Providing conducive learning environments


Images Credit: Poppet’s World


+65 9366 4939 (Norlin)

