
Lee Peilin is a creator of imaginary worlds, colourful props and playful games


She serves parents who want their children to learn and grow outside the confines of academic studies and digital gadgets. More importantly, she serves children so that they can develop their general knowledge, creativity and confidence.

Her purpose is to help children learn more about this amazing world that we live in through stories (sight), music (sound), props (touch) and… imagination!

Lee Peilin started telling stories when she was just 6-years-old to my younger siblings. 

Her closest friends describe her as energetic, passionate and optimistic… Hence her nickname “PositiveLee Peilin”. She wants to share the joy of creative learning, hence the name of this programme, “PositiveLee Playful”.

What is PositiveLeePeilin?

PositiveLeePeilin started as a social platform to spread positivity and celebrate reading. It is now a programme of workshops that encourages social learning, sparks creativity and develops skillsets. PositiveLeePeilin collaborates with experts in various fields such as pastry making, fashion designing and photography to create holistic programmes that complement the storytelling and crafts aspects of the workshop. These programmes aim to let children explore and learn about our amazing world in an encouraging environment.


Credit: Image of PositiveLeePeilin


+65 82885457



258A South Bridge Road, Singapore 058807


•By MRT:

Take to Chinatown MRT, take Exit A (towards Smith Street), walk down Pagoda Street and turn right on South Bridge Road. We are above 7-11.

•By Car:

Carpark A: Open carpark in front of the Buddha Tooth Relic Museum

Carpark B: Roadside parallel parking along Temple Street

Carpark C: Multi-Story carpark at Smith Street Market

•By Bus:

Buses: 61, 166, 197. Stop at Bus Stop 05189, opposite Sri Mariamman Temple.

Buses: 80, 145. Stop at Bus Stop 05269, Maxwell Road Food Center