
Young Inventors

Young Inventors

“The greatest invention in the world is the mind of a child.” Thomas A. Edison. Let the young schoolers be introduced to works of great inventors and turn their minds and imaginations into something remarkable.


This programme brings young schoolers along a learning journey, introducing them to some of the greatest inventors and their works.

Our educators will relate the ideas of these great inventors to the children. During the course, knowledge will be shared in an interactive way, allowing the children to gain awareness of great inventions around them that have become so common in their life.

Through our activities, our educators will guide the children in designing and building simple tools and models. The children will learn to think out of the box, use materials available to them, and turn their ideas into something fun!

Register here

Book before 16th May 2021 to enjoy 10% off – PROMO CODE: SHINE10


Image Credit: RAY Educators




Kids Ticket: 395 新币


+65 8866 0435



KAP Mall 9 King Albert Park, Singapore