Rolypoly Family is dedicated to honouring children’s creative genius while supporting the artistic and socio-emotional learning of diverse young children, their families and their communities.
Led by dance artists Bernice Lee and Faye Lim, we produce delightful dance experiences, such as performances, interdisciplinary projects, workshops and classes, from our artists’ intuitive choreographic and movement practices.
Our Body Smarts Through Movement Arts programme teaches body safety and sexuality education topics to diverse communities, using a multi-modal approach that includes movement, art, craft and discussion, and approach that is age-appropriate and context-informed.
We also provide training & consulting for artists, educators and organisations who want to build healthier, safer and/or more creative spaces for diverse children. Our workshops and consulting services can help expand capacities, bridge gaps or tackle specific problems in your projects, communities or workplaces.
Our name is a statement of our beliefs – that families come in all shapes and sizes, that kinship can grow through creative and physical play (yes, rolling!), and that rhyming is as fun in language as in dance. Rolypoly Family is a division of Derring-Do Dance.
We partner with groups and organisations across Singapore, such as community groups, social service organisations, arts groups and institutions, and government agencies. Interested in working together? Get in touch!
Image Credit: Rolypoly Family Dance
Island Wide