
Letters Come Alive! By Rolypoly Family

Letters Come Alive! By Rolypoly Family

Rolypoly Family is thrilled to be bringing Letters Come Alive! back to the children at The Artground


In this whimsical and acrobatic dance theatre performance, the letters of the alphabet take on different shapes and sounds to inspire silliness that kids and grown-ups will enjoy. The performers begin the show with the beloved and familiar alphabet song, before animating the letters and well, things get a little topsy-turvy from there.

Are children expected to know the alphabet to enjoy the show? Not at all. Do children need to learn all the letters by the end of the show?

That’s not our goal! Will the children spend the rest of the week making shapes and sounds with their bodies and spotting letters everywhere? They just might! Come join us to see what happens when letters come alive.


Date: 15 March 2020, Sunday
Time: 10.30am – 11am
Duration: 30 mins
Age Group: Recommended for 3 – 6 years

  • $15 (Admits one)
  • $52 (Bundle of 4 tickets)

Venue: The Artground (WhiteBox), 90 Goodman Road, #01-40, Block J, Singapore 439053.
For enquiries, please email: info@theartground.com.sg


Image Credit: Rolypoly Family 




Admits one: 15 新币
Bundle of 4 tickets: 52 新币



The Artground (WhiteBox), 90 Goodman Road, #01-40, Block J, Singapore 439053