
TinkrFest - Marionnettes

TinkrFest - Marionnettes

TinkrFest, powered by Science Centre Singapore and Imagin8ors, connects children, parents, educators and makers in a week-long celebration of the Joy of Learning through play, exploration and experimentation.


The theme "Structures" promotes the learning of science concepts through hands-on activities that are highly engaging. They foster risk-taking and getting past the fear of failure. Structures are all around us. Each of them requires creativity, design, problem solving and perseverance to build. For children to become the innovators of tomorrow, they must gain skills including confidence to take their projects from dream to reality!

Using imagination with a touch of engineering, build a string puppet. With a twitch of your fingers, bring it to life and watch it move.

Register here


Credit: image of Science Centre Singapore




1 child + adult: 30 新币
additional child: 15 新币


+65 6425 2500



15 Science Centre Rd 新加坡 609081