
Kids Classes @Sing'theatre

Kids Classes @Sing'theatre

Musically, students explore different rhythms, tempos, singing styles and vocal techniques.


Dance sessions feature musical theatre routines and specific dance techniques as well as working on role play, improvisation and performance to improve acting ability.

The end of the academic year and of each workshop week culminates with a presentation of the students work before an audience. Let’s ring up the curtain and get the show started!

Rising Stars

  • Ages 4 - 6

In our Rising Stars classes, we cover all three forms of Musical Theatre – singing, dancing, and acting. In singing classes, students learn new songs and are exposed to rhythm, timing, and how sounds are formed. Our dance-focused classes give children the confidence to try new dance moves, while our acting sessions allow budding young actors to role-play and practice improvisation and storytelling.

Our Rising Stars students will be involved in the Showcase/Presentation at the end of the semester. The details will be confirmed on a later date, depending on the Covid-19 regulation at the time.

Interested students may sign up for a free trial class. Please email us: academy@singtheatre.com. Please note that trial spaces are first come first serve and subject to availability, so do let us know soonest.

Super Stars

  • Ages 7 - 9

Super Stars classes incorporate all three forms of Musical Theatre with increased complexity and skill. For singing, students will explore different rhythms, tempos, singing styles, and vocal techniques, while in our dancing sessions we feature Musical Theatre routines and specific dance techniques. In our acting segments, children enjoy working on role play, improvisation, and performance.

Our Super Stars students will be involved in the Showcase/Presentation at the end of the semester. The details will be confirmed on a later date, depending on the Covid-19 regulation at the time.

Interested students may sign up for a Free Trial class. Please email us: academy@singtheatre.com. Please note that trial spaces are first come first serve and subject to availability, so do let us know soonest.

West End Stars

  • Ages 10 - 13

West End Stars is our intermediate class for 10- 13-year-olds. In this class, students will be taking Musical Theatre to the next level. Students will be exposed to more intensive Musical Theatre classes that are tailored to their abilities and be given a chance to hone and develop their skills with more confidence.

Our West End Stars students will be involved in the Showcase/Presentation at the end of the semester. The show details will be confirmed at a later date, depending on the Covid-19 regulation at the time.

Interested students may sign up for a free trial class. Please email us: academy@singtheatre.com. Please note that trial spaces are first come first serve and subject to availability, so do let us know soonest.

Broadway Stars

  • Ages 13 - 17

Teenagers with a flair for performing can take their singing, dancing, and acting skills to a higher level in our teens Broadway Stars classes. Through in-depth training, students are encouraged to hone their performance skills and experience what it would be like to be a part of a small theatre company.

Our Broadway Stars students will be involved in the Showcase / Presentation at the end of the semester. The details will be confirmed on a later date, depending on the Covid-19 regulation at the time.

Interested students may sign up for a free Trial class. Please email us: academy@singtheatre.com. Please note that trial spaces are first come first serve and subject to availability, so do let us know soonest.

Broadway Stars Plus

  • Ages 13 - 18

Broadway Stars Plus is our teenage Musical Theatre class that works at advanced levels to improve our students’ skills in singing, dancing, and acting. This class is by audition only to ensure that students have the focus, dedication, and potential to achieve the most from the challenging curriculum. The class is suited to students who have a keen interest in pursuing the performing arts or have a passion for any aspect of Musical Theatre.

Our Rising Stars students will be involved in the Showcase / Presentation at the end of the semester. The details will be confirmed on a later date, depending on the Covid-19 regulation at the time.

This class is strictly by auditions only. Please click here to audition.

Musical Theatre Dance

  • Ages 11 years old and above

Musical Theatre is a genre rich in different dance styles and brings together many different techniques with a focus on telling a story and delivering a character. This Musical Theatre Dance class is open to anyone to help accelerate their dance level.

Interested students may sign up for a free trial class. Please register your interest for a Trial Class via email: academy@singtheatre.com. Please note that trial spaces are first come first serve and subject to availability, so do let us know soonest.

Register here


Image Credit: Sing'theatre




+65 6334 6397



Heritage Place 21 Tan Quee Lan St 02-10, Singapore 188108