
Holiday Swim Camp @SwimShark

Holiday Swim Camp @SwimShark

With the numerous school holidays in Singapore, take this great opportunity to enhance your child’s swimming skills during the school holidays.


Aside from learning swimming techniques, our holiday swim camps is fun, light-hearted and your child will get to make new friends.

Learn to Swim Camp

  • 4 to 6 Year Olds

Encouraging swimmers to work on their swim techniques and water safety skills. Also, children get to learn together with their friends while playing fun games!

The skills taught during our Learn to Swim Camp:

  • Independent swimming – ability to change breath to swim for longer distance
  • Water confidence & familiarisation
  • Lifesaving skills
  • Knowing water safety basics
  • Breath control – hold breath on command with independent safe submersions
  • Motor skills development
  • Stroke movements that increase physical strength
  • Propulsion – kicking and paddling method to propel through the water
  • Front & back floating with & without swimming aids
  • Introduction to breaststroke & freestyle swimming strokes
  • Short distance swimming – establish independent kicking movement
  • Safety return to the pool edge & climb out
  • Independently jump towards swimming coach from the edge of the pool
  • Fully submerge and pick up an object from the bottom of the pool (Minimum depth 0.9m) (Coach aided)
  • Recognise the fun that comes with water with fun games!

Stroke Correction Swim Camp

  • 7 to 12 years old

To join this camp children are required to be able to swim 15m without floats. The stroke correction camp is for children who have completed their Learn to Swim levels and wish to strengthen their stroke techniques. In this camp, we work on perfecting the four strokes: Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly.

The skills taught during our Stroke Correction Swim Camp:

  • Increase focus on 4 stroke development (Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly) – including fundamental components of the butterfly
  • Streamline body positioning
  • Lifesaving skills
  • Swim all 4 strokes 50m efficiently and gracefully showing correct breathing
  • Gain stamina in swimming
  • Learn racing techniques
  • Introduction to all competitive dives, starts and turns
  • Ease in swimming repeatedly continuous laps
  • Swimmers will compete against the clock to challenge their own personal bests across the four competitive strokes, plus their performance in individual racing, team relays and fun games!


SwimShark will be happy to arrange a swim camp at your own condo.

Register here


Image Credit: SwimShark




+65 9654 0004

